Because how else are we going to make the world a better, safer, kinder place? With guns, violence and force? You are being offered the chance to be part of the solution.
We want you to know that this is for people of many generations. This is for people who are and are not "mainline," center of the road, upholders of the status quo. If people think you are weird or cool, in or out, this universe is different. The only in or out of this universe is everyone must value and strive for kindness and self-improvement. We all have growth potential and cannot be healthy people in relationship with anyone if we aim to stay exactly as we are today, no matter what our age.
The Unitarian Universalist picture and values reflect well the values aspired to within Be Kind Humans. No matter where one comes from or what belief system one brings, justice, equity, transformation, pluralism, interdependence, generosity and love feel quite accessible and, no pun intended, universal.
You likely already belong to some groups, communities, even religions that are good, kind and committed to making your community, and maybe the world, better. Wouldn't it be great if we all combined efforts into one location, one place for good? Why duplicate efforts? Why reinvent the wheel, right?
We are founded by a chaplain which means there is a chief listener in charge. And chaplains do not proselytize; they are people who are present in anxiety and big emotions without an agenda. Inside Be Kind Humans, you arrive with whatever beliefs are yours and you go forward with whatever beliefs are yours. If you are changed, you are changed by your own discoveries, by what you find in you. But, don't worry, see, you're not alone anymore. Now you've made a connection, to a real person and a network of real people and communities.
Inside the private, digital community Be Kind Humans you'll find:
There is literally no reason to do less than the bare minimum today, there is no cost and no risk. Where do you start? The same place as everyone else, where it says "Start Here." You can exit anytime. No harm, no foul.
Obviously, we hope you stay forever as a real partner in making the world a better place. We cannot actually make a better place without you since we are all interconnected, like it or not. Certainly, if the pandemic didn't teach us anything else, it taught us that.
Remember, this is not just another space. Although using the Mighty platform is a recent shift, Chappie (the chaplain we mentioned) has been working with the public for more than a decade. We don't need to tell you, but it's never been more important than now for humans to intentionally take actions to be less divided, less polarized, less isolated, more connected and more kind.
For you, for your loved ones, for the world, take this step, at least the minimum today.